This new designer kitchen tools is just a stick. So why are we obsessed with that?

In addition to making steel, copper and wooden sculptures, Richardt has created for more than a decade for the Danish design studio Frama minimalist designs: a daybed, a lounge chair, candle containers, a shelf system, a “very minimalist” lamp For the Noma restaurant.

a person who turns a pancake with a wooden stick

Sophie Charara

However, Frama passed Tool One, so Richardt kept it home until he found the kitchenware studio Veark, also in Copenhagen, which makes tools inspired by professional kitchens. For co -founders Daniel Ronge and Christian Lorentzen, it was love with the first stick.

We mock the mere simplicity of this thing, but of course Richardt’s inspiration came partly of cutlery in Asia. Cooking dining sticks, often made of bamboo, have long been used by professional stir-fry chefs to taste and taste in the kitchen.

“I had a few chopsticks at home that I used to stir my oatmeal in the morning for a few years, and it was a little too small to do it,” he says. “Then I think I can make it bigger in a design that can also turn a pancake. In Japan they actually have quite large chopsticks, but they still use them in pairs when they stir, and it’s quite nice to handle. ”

And there is more practical. Wood tools can last for decades for years for silicon alternatives (if properly cleaned and stored), and there have been many discussions lately to how many toxic chemicals of ordinary black plastic spatulas can expose users.

a person who turns mini-pancakes with a stick with other kitchen preparations on a counter

Sophie Charara

In terms of design terms, it is clear that we have been in this direction for a while, ready to yearn for more and more of less and less. Minimalist Joseph Joseph kitchen tools and stacks we have been strangely dressed for for some time, while Jony Ive did for computers who did his predecessors in industrial design for, for example, iconic chairs and lamps.

However, abstract wood scandi baby toys in beige, cream and cool gray can be quite furious. They must be bright red and bright green and make a lot of noise. And blocky, characterless birth sets that we cannot endure. Ridiculous. They simply take the piss. But I think we can say that you can no longer become minimalist as a stick.

Like Wired senior editor Jeremy White exclaimed: “How can something be so ridiculous so desirable?” Is a stir stick inherently macho than a spoon, maybe? More like something The bear’s Carmy Berzatto might throw over a kitchen?

“It’s a humble tool. I was amazed at the simple thing of a stick that stirs your food, ”says Richardt with a little laugh. “It took me back to something … I couldn’t explain it, but it was a nice feeling. I kind of feeling that I was taken back to the Neanderthal people. ”

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